RFID is an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a wireless communication technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects. Over the last 20 years, it has been commercialized, and is used in areas as diverse as supply chain and tracking cows in a field. At LossLess Group, we uniquely apply RIFD technology as a supporting element in Fides. This is our cloud-based SaaS ecosystem that gives hotels full control of their textiles.
RFID belongs to a group of technologies referred to as Automatic Identification and Data Capture. AIDC methods automatically identify objects, collect their data, and transmit that information directly into computer systems. This tracking process takes place with little or no human intervention. Fides operates in an environment that uses UHF RFID. This is an ultra-high frequency form that has higher read rates and a longer read range.
Ultra High Frequency
UHF RFID offers a read range that allows us to track both individual items and bulk shipments. Fides uses this capability to offer a solution to the challenge of hotels to efficiently manage their textiles. Unfortunately, many hotels still lack adequate control of expensive bed sheets, pillowcases and towels. This is all the more surprising as the investment in linen and laundry represents the second or third largest Profit & Loss expense.
Everyday Use
In their daily lives, many people already work with a technology that is based on RFID protocols. As an example, shoppers pay for groceries by holding a credit card or mobile phone close to a chip card reader. When doing so, the devices communicate through NFC, Near Field Communication. The difference between RFID and NFC is the distance over which communication takes place. It’s the reason you have to hold your phones so close together when you’re sharing photos with a friend of that great vacation in Florida.