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Join the connected textiles revolution

Every revolution in history has been preceded by a great crisis, lighted by a spark and spread by a team of believers. At LossLess Group we believe that we are at the inception of the connected textiles revolution, and everything around us at the moment confirms this belief.

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Data management innovation

The common denominator of industrial textiles is that laundries pick up soiled linen, wash, and return it clean in a continuous logistic cycle. Our tracking process runs in parallel, recording the transfer of goods each time these change hands, and

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Enabling transformation

The challenging time of Covid lockdown has impacted on people in many ways, some withdrawing into hermit like isolation, some going a bit crazy to entertain themselves, and some have used the opportunity to hit the ‘pause button’ on their […]

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The future of textile management

RFID tracking has been long coming as the inevitable future of textiles management. However, it never did, and it’s now at least 10 years overdue. Reasons given to explain this failure are cost, lack of accuracy and the absence of […]

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Glass half full

Homer Simpson famously said, there are only three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can’t. Whilst I tend to agree with Homer, in this occasion I do not, as I think there are only two types of […]

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EPCglobal and IoT

Many people have accused The Internet of Things of being a solution looking for a problem. However, at its inception, it was a solution for a very real problem. The US retail industry was running out of barcode combinations, and […]

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The cost of connected linen

The prerequisite for any RFID-enabled linen tracking system is that assets are equipped with an UHF RFID tag. There are many tag suppliers, using different combinations of components, but the basic construction and composition is roughly the same. At the […]

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Analytics dutch

Donec purus risus, feugiat id rutrum id, volutpat a augue. Ut dui ipsum, laoreet ac feugiat sollicitudin, volutpat a urna. Ut mollis elit erat, nec egestas ex accumsan sit amet. Phasellus consectetur nibh eget pretium feugiat. Quisque dapibus nisi a […]

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Making IoT work for us

There are countless descriptions of the Internet of Things, and even more fancy infographics to visualize functionalities and benefits. Basically, to explain how it all works. To use one such description: the Internet of Things is a system of interrelated […]

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ADR, RevPAR and Occupancy

Hotels, or if we want to use a more confusing term: the lodging industry, use 3 key performance indicators to measure their performance: ADR, RevPAR and Occupancy rate. However, unlike other holy trinities in business, this is really a duality […]

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Textiles and the environment

At LossLess Group , we consider it one of our primary responsibilities to help flatten the curve of environmental mismanagement. We operate in interconnected industries that have a common denominator: Textiles, a one trillion dollar annual market. According to the […]

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Health and safety

Following the Covid-19 outbreak and the deep impact it has on our lives and our communities, every business will have to contribute to a new ecosystem focused on health.  At LossLess Group, we provide a range of tracking services, focused […]

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Our tracking system TaaS, Textiles as a Service, is the product of integrating UHF RFID with other innovative technologies. RFID, an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification, is a wireless communication technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects. […]

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Lease and IFRS 16

Whilst asset leasing is a widely used financial construction, to date, it has never been applied to industrial textiles. In order for textile assets to be qualified as an entity that is fit for lease, it first needs to be […]

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